When you’re running a business you need to make sure you have the right staff. Finding the right employees for any kind of business can often be a challenge and you may find yourself going through a revolving door of them at times. Some people work simply because they need to make money to live, but they have no passion for the job.
Sometimes a passionless employee is fine, as long as they still get the work done that needs to be done. However, if you want to find someone with passion, experience, and/or someone that will simply be happy to have a job and strive to meet or exceed expectations, here are some steps to take. You should also consider the pay scale. If you are hiring a candidate who is a potential non-exempt employee (you can check Exempt vs Non Exempt definition), consider the overtime payments that you might need to pay them. So, choose a candidate after considering everything properly.
Start With Internships
There are both good things about bringing interns into your business and bad things about it as well. If you get an intern that really just isn’t cut out for the job at hand you’ve wasted precious time and money on training someone, but then again, you’d be doing that with any other “bad” employee as well, and have wasted more money.
Internships actually do help the students that take them, It gives them the opportunity to determine if your business is something they really want to get into, instead of making a commitment immediately. If they do like it you potentially have a future employee.
Try Job Shadowing Or Trial Periods
For people that are past the point of interning for a position, you can offer job shadowing or trial periods. Even online writers often go through a trial article or two before they get hired for a project. You can pay a little less for them to come in and shadow another employee while you both decide if the job is the right one for them.
Some places won’t pay job shadows at all, but it still gives the person a chance to get a feel for the job, and usually isn’t something that takes long to pass through. Not only is it easier on you as the employer to offer such trials, but it takes the pain out of quitting a job early in off employees as well (and saves them from having a bunch of negative employment experiences on their resumes).
Have A More In-Depth Interview Process
Learn how to get better at interviewing potential employees. Never hire someone on the spot, it takes time to learn who is right for the position. If you hire someone on the spot you may miss out on someone that would have been better suited to the job.
It can also be wise to put people through a couple interviews. If there is more than one boss, interviews should be done by someone lower on the totem pole, and then second interviews done by the person who will be the deciding factor. Even group interviews can work to weed out candidates who just aren’t really into the job.