When you first start out as the owner of a new company, one of the first things you will need to think about is marketing. You have probably read a lot online about how physical marketing is dead and you should focus most of your marketing online. That’s true, but as it turns out it’s even more specific than that. We think a new business needs to focus primarily on two types of marketing. These are SEO and CRO.
Search Engine Optimization
We’ll start with SEO because really this is where all marketing begins. You can tell us that social networking is important, and PPC is valuable, but ultimately it all links back to SEO. When a potential customer uses the web, they start by searching for a keyword or phrase in an engine. Once they do this, they generate a large list of links. The links with higher search rankings will be found at the top of the page, and lower ones will perhaps never be discovered at all. Typically, a user will only skim a couple of the links before they find the site that gets their business. You can see why this would be a problem because that means if your site is not on the first page, you’ve already lost the customer.
To ensure your new business site is on the first page, you need to use SEO. SEO methods can be used by anyone, but if you want the best results you need to use the services of a specialist company. They will look at your site and decide on a quote based on how much work needs to be done. Do not use an SEO site that offers a price before they have viewed your web page. This will most likely be a scam business that you want to avoid at all costs.
Conversion Rate Optimization
The other half of the puzzle is CRO. Once you begin using SEO, you will find more and more people are visiting your site. However, there is nothing to stop them leaving it again and if they don’t like what they say they most certainly will. The trick is to make your website look and feel professional while also making sure that it is easy to view and use. Similar to SEO, it is possible to do this yourself but you won’t have the knowledge that CRO offers. CRO is basically a big pile of data that has been gathered by a professional company. It allows them to know what turns a website viewer into a paying customer. If you use a conversion rate optimization resource, you can find out about how this works and what it could do for your business.
Once you have started using CRO, you will find that the ratio of how many customers you get and how many people view your site is a lot healthier. After that, you may even be getting enough profits to consider expanding your business.
By using these two marketing techniques together, you will be ensuring your new business is as competitive as it can be.