Taking Stock of Your Annual Business Resolutions

Ordinarily we entrepreneurs don’t like to be confined to any sort of pigeon holes which supposedly dictate to us how we should run our operations, but sometimes you just can’t help it. Sometimes while following the money you find yourself having to at the very least acknowledge societal trends like what comes of New Year’s resolutions and the likes. The so-called silly season is upon us and people are just ready to spend their money man, so we perhaps wouldn’t be able to call ourselves any sort of self-respecting entrepreneurs if we didn’t take advantage of these trends.

This isn’t a post about what you can do to jump on the bandwagon of festive season hustling however, but rather just one about taking stock of your own resolutions which you made. This is the time to evaluate your performance and if you find that you’re coming up short on the plans you had, only then should you very quickly devise a plan to jump on the festive-season bandwagon to perhaps try and salvage the year.


Now, in the true spirit of entrepreneurship, I’m going to shine a spot light on one of my favourite endeavours which I like to dive head-first in, which is making money through gambling. Seriously, there is just money sitting around the various online gambling platforms, waiting for the astute nose to sniff them out and duly capitalise. One such betting channel in particular is that of sports betting and I like to keep it simple by betting on football, or soccer to those of my readers who are located across the Atlantic.


My strategy is very simple and I’m more than willing to share it with you because not very many of you are going to use it in any case. It goes against the very nature of how one is wired to think and this is precisely the reason why the house always wins, as the saying goes.


So my strategy is to bet consistently on one or more of the big teams losing at which point if I happen to get the result right then I win big because I’m but just one of a few who bet against the likes of Barcelona and Real Madrid winning. On any given day you would not ordinarily expect the likes of Barcelona to lose, but these big teams lose on average about four times each season.


As things currently stand, my stock-taking has me smiling because Real Madrid has already lost twice this season, so I’m hedging my bets that they’ll lose at least one or two more times, along with the likes of Barcelona, Atletico Madrid and Valencia.


I consistently bet on the same set of combinations over at M88 to make sure not to mess around with the statistical odds, but what I’m getting at here is that this should only serve as a template with which one should constantly take a step back and evaluate the progress which they’ve made throughout the year. That’s how to win at betting and well, that’s how to win at entrepreneurship.