Sex Sells: How to Score on Business Appropriate Attire That Inspires Confidence


If you are both a woman and new to the business world, we are going to let you in on two little secrets. If you are an old hand, you already know the first little secret, but stick around to learn the second- an incredibly invaluable secret at that.


There’s an old adage that sex sells- yes, it’s true. Does it mean you need to sell yourself to secure business? No, not at all. Does it mean that good looks help one inspire confidence? Yes, absolutely.


You do not need to born a supermodel to look good, though. There is a reason business attire looks so sharp- people want to do business with folks that look like they put time and thought into their attire. Nobody wants to do business with someone who shops in a clearance rack or at a second-hand clothing store, or worse- relies on hand-me-downs from family members to get by.


No, if you want to do business, you just need to take some time to invest in your appearance. Assuming you have the business know-how to back it all up, that is all you need to successfully “sell” yourself to potential clients and investors.


But whether you are new to the business world or an old hand, you are probably loath to waste money. Wasting money is a scourge upon efficiency. Why work for money but throw it away at the same time?


You need to be clever about how you spend your money, and that is where our second invaluable tip comes into play. You see, a brand new service is coming to the United Kingdom that you may not have heard of yet. In America, a company named Groupon has been offering business elites like yourself the ability to save cash on their business clothes for years already. Now, Groupon is bringing its Discount Codes to the United Kingdom.


If you are a savvy individual, make use of Groupon’s new partnership with Ann Summers to save some serious cash. You can score great deals- and these discount codes are regularly updated. It does not take a business protégé to realize that these savings opportunities are real and waiting for you to take advantage of them.