Business lessons of success come from so many different sources, many of which are otherwise really the unlikeliest of sources. But then again I guess that’s what separates entrepreneurs and business persons from the rest — their ability to spot opportunity where none seems to be forthcoming, particularly entrepreneurs.
You might have heard the famous debate a few times — the one of whether entrepreneurs are born or made and you might have perhaps participated in it yourself. Heck, I might have even discussed it once or a couple more times on previous blog posts over here, but today I stand firm on the idea that you can actually learn how to be an entrepreneur. You can learn how to see and seize opportunity and turn that into a nice and consistent stream of income, or indeed use this developed ability to even make yourself extremely wealthy.
I’m not saying it’s an easy road and I’m certainly not claiming it to be so easy that you’ll be a top-star entrepreneur after you’ve finished reading this mere blog post. What I am saying however is that you can learn what is essentially the art of spotting opportunity, quite simply by acquainting yourself with the fundamental principle and then practicing until perfect through iterations in just about any situation you find yourself in.
Fining the Best Way to Do it
Look it’s really as simple as going through an information-gathering process which in this day and age can be as simple as a Google search query, but finding the best way of doing something, anything, is the fundamental principle of learning how to spot opportunities and then acting on those opportunities. I will make a very simple example to kick off our little practice session using something as seemingly unrelated to the topic as sports betting. What is the best way of sports betting? Is it not doing it online as opposed to heading down to your nearest neighbourhood betting tab, pen-in-tow, and then placing bets by filling out one or more of those wager sheets they give you? It most definitely is, for a number of reasons, such as the fact that you save on fuel, you save time by placing your bets on a digital platform and you can select and analyse many different combinations and bet according to many different permutations, much quicker and easier than you would at your betting tab.
I mean some of the best PayPal bookmakers even extend the likes of welcome bonuses, which means you effectively get lots of free bets or free credits to bet with or gear your bets for bigger winnings should you eventually select the right combination.
If we were to take this method of thinking into more obvious realms such as that of the business world, learning to spot opportunity would come down to questions such as where you can source raw material cheaper, perhaps even of higher quality and sometimes even where you can maybe source integrated solutions which simply require you to slap on your brand name and sell them on for a much higher price.
Opportunity is everywhere — you just have to train yourself to spot it and then act upon it.