A considerable amount of time has passed since the Industrial Revolution was in full swing and at its peak, in its many forms all around the world. The education system seems to still be geared towards feeding into the narrow band of institutions surrounding the industrial revolution however, with a morning bell ringing to signal the start of the day and everything which follows on from that not very different to what goes on within the walls of a factory or even within the walls of a white-collar corporation.
Think about it — school starts at a certain time, so does “work”, whether you’re working at a factory or in the office of big corporation. Inside the typical classroom are desks, which can be likened more to workstations in a corporate setting where some physical work gets done, or indeed a corporation where everybody is confined to their own little cubicle. It goes on and on — the content still primarily being taught at the typical school today is essentially designed to create employees which will feed into the various institutions which spawned out of the industrial age.
Three main sectors of economic activity have since developed though, including manufacturing (which still takes place in order to produce the physical goods we need), finances and the information sector.
Entire encyclopaedia collections can be written about the financial and information sectors, which would probably still not be enough to contain the growing collection of all which can be discussed about those sectors. With a growing world population and a widening economic gap between the top 0.01% and the rest of the world, the trajectory of the financial sector in particular perhaps needs to be looked-over. For it is the financial sector which creates the most wealth without really creating anything physical and without really contributing to society anything tangible.
The information sector is perhaps not far behind the financial sector, but at least with the information sector what gets created and subsequently generates wealth are some solutions which we actually use, no matter how stupid some of them may be.
In all the sectors however, including manufacturing, finances and information, there is an increasingly growing trend of modern day companies and businesses providing or even making use of integrated solutions as opposed to specialised solutions which are specifically made for one purpose. In the manufacturing sector, you’ll often find a trail leading back to a company such as Hire Torque Limited, whose controlled bolting, flange working and portable machine solutions are often integrated with a lot of other solutions to create the final product or deliver the final service to the end client.
If this can be done physically with tangible physical products such as machines, manufacturing assembly lines and the likes, it’s most definitely being done at a much larger scale in the information sector and even more so in the financial sector. These two sectors don’t have physical items to have to deal with and can implement integrated solutions by simply instituting policies or by writing code.